CLAT 2021 English Language, Practice Set C – Previous Year Questions

As the global vaccination effort progresses, the focus on vaccine diplomacy has intensified. According to a report from The New York Times, which analyzed vaccine contracts compiled by Duke University, some advanced countries have secured advance purchase contracts for potential vaccines that would be sufficient to vaccinate their populations multiple times over. Specifically, the European Union could vaccinate its population twice, the United States and the United Kingdom four times each, and Canada six times.

In the pursuit of early vaccination to restore normalcy and stimulate economic growth, advanced countries seem to have shifted away from considerations of public good and global cooperation. While these nations appear to disregard the vaccination needs of poorer countries, India has taken a different approach by demonstrating empathy and commitment. India has committed to allowing a significant percentage of its approved vaccine doses for export, with neighboring countries receiving shipments as grants, and the least developed countries receiving the initial vaccine shipments for free. India has already begun sending vaccine shipments to various parts of the developing world.

Even as India is in the initial phases of vaccinating its own healthcare workers, its commitment to supporting other countries in their vaccination efforts has garnered global appreciation. Despite potential domestic backlash, India’s approach underscores the importance of coordinated global efforts to combat COVID-19.

India’s proactive stance has positioned it as a key contributor to global development and earned it the reputation of the “world’s pharmacy.” This approach has sparked discussions in richer countries about the necessity of taking more proactive measures to ensure vaccine distribution to developing nations.


  1. Which of the following best describes the purpose of this passage?

(A) To encourage vaccine nationalism, and discourage global cooperation.

(B) To discourage vaccine nationalism, and encourage global cooperation.

(C) To encourage poor countries and discourage advanced countries.

(D) To encourage India to provide vaccines to poor nations.


  1. The term ‘inoculation process’ as used in the passage means

(A) Production and distribution of vaccines.

(B) Global struggle for vaccines.

(C) Pharmaceutical production of vaccines.

(D) Artificially inducing immunity.


  1. Advanced purchase contracts of vaccines by developed countries are premised on hopes that

(A) Vaccination will restore normalcy and thrust economic recovery.

(B) Vaccination will bring back powers to nations.

(C) Vaccination will promote global well-being and growth.

(D) Vaccination will protect the health of the world population.


  1. The author cautions that India’s approach in vaccine distribution may have negative repercussions among

(A) People from advanced countries.

(B) People from poor countries.

(C) People from developing countries.

(D) People from India.


  1. Among Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the third goal reads, “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”. Which of the following sentences from the passage reflects the reversal of this SDG?

(A) The arguments of public good and global cooperation have gone out of the window now.

(B) Advanced countries have turned their back on the need of poor countries to access COVID-19 vaccines.

(C) The advance purchase contracts made by some advanced countries for potential vaccines would vaccinate their population many times.

(D) All the above.


Must Read: CLAT 2021 English Language, Practice Set D – Previous Year Questions

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