Legal Maxims and Phrases for CLAT 2024

Legal Maxims play a crucial role in the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT), particularly in the legal aptitude section. These maxims, akin to sayings rooted in legal principles, hold immense significance for CLAT 2024 aspirants. Expressed in Latin, these phrases serve as the cornerstone of legal reasoning and are widely utilized by legal experts. Acquiring a thorough understanding of these maxims is essential for those preparing for the CLAT exam, as they form the foundation of legal thinking and frequently guide decisions in the realm of law.

A legal maxim is a firmly established legal concept, principle, or doctrine, often articulated in Latin. These Latin maxims have their roots in the Medieval era when European states utilized Latin as their official language.

  • These principles play a crucial role in assisting courts globally to apply existing laws in a fair and just manner, facilitating the resolution of disputes that come before them.
  • Although these principles lack inherent legal authority, their adoption by courts in legal deliberations or incorporation by legislatures in crafting legislation transforms them into de facto law. They then become the cornerstone for making well-founded judgments.

Legal maxims play a crucial role in the Legal Aptitude section of the CLAT exam, falling under the broader categories of Legal Reasoning and Legal Knowledge. Specifically, legal maxims questions are classified under Legal Knowledge, and candidates can anticipate encountering 3-4 questions related to this topic in the CLAT exam. Understanding legal maxims is essential for success in this section.

Are you gearing up for the CLAT 2024 UG examination? Here’s a curated list of crucial legal maxims and phrases that you should have in your arsenal. Understanding these concepts is pivotal for success in the upcoming exam.

  1. Uberrimae Fidei – Utmost Good Faith
  2. Res Ipsa Loquitur – The thing speaks for itself
  3. Caveat Emptor – Let the buyer beware
  4. Nemo Dat Quod Non Habet – No one gives what he does not have
  5. Actus Reus Non Facit Reum Nisi Mens Sit Rea – An act does not make a person guilty unless there is a guilty mind
  6. Ignorantia Juris Non Excusat – Ignorance of the law is no excuse
  7. Prima Facie – On the first appearance
  8. In Loco Parentis – In the place of a parent
  9. Stare Decisis – To stand by things decided
  10. Ratio Decidendi – The reason for the decision
  11. Habeas Corpus – You shall have the body
  12. Causa Proxima – Proximate cause
  13. De Facto – In fact
  14. De Jure – By law
  15. Ex Parte – On behalf of one party only
  16. Lex Loci – The law of the place
  17. Actio Personalis Moritur Cum Persona – A personal right of action dies with the person
  18. Locus Standi – Standing in the court
  19. Mens Rea – Guilty mind
  20. Nemo Debet Bis Vexari Pro Una Et Eadem Causa – No one should be vexed twice for the same cause
  21. Qui Facit Per Alium Facit Per Se – He who acts through another does the act himself
  22. Ubi Jus Ibi Remedium – Where there is a right, there is a remedy
  23. Volenti Non Fit Injuria – To a willing person, injury is not done
  24. Actus Me Invite Factus Non Est Meus Actus – An act done by me against my will is not my act
  25. Bona Fide – In good faith
  26. Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum – Let justice be done though the heavens fall
  27. Inter Alia – Among other things
  28. Nemo Judex In Causa Sua – No one should be a judge in his own cause
  29. Quid Pro Quo – Something for something
  30. Ultra Vires – Beyond the powers
  31. Amicus Curiae – Friend of the court
  32. Bona Vacantia – Vacant goods
  33. Corpus Delicti – The body of the crime
  34. Ex Post Facto – After the fact
  35. In Camera – In private
  36. Jus Cogens – Compelling law
  37. Locus Delicti – Place of the crime
  38. Nolle Prosequi – Unwilling to prosecute
  39. Per Incuriam – Through lack of care
  40. Quantum Meruit – As much as he has deserved
  41. Sub Judice – Under consideration by a judge
  42. Voluntary Manslaughter – Intentional killing without malice aforethought
  43. Actio – A legal action or lawsuit
  44. Causa Mortis – In anticipation of death
  45. De Minimis Non Curat Lex – The law does not concern itself with trifles
  46. In Terrorem – As a warning
  47. Lis Pendens – A pending lawsuit
  48. Nemo Potest Esse Tenens Et Judex – No one can be a tenant and a judge at the same time
  49. Pari Delicto – In equal fault
  50. Vox Populi, Vox Dei – The voice of the people is the voice of God

Read Also: Freedom of Religion (Articles 25 – 28)

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