Schedules in the Constitution of India

Schedules in the Constitution of India: In the Indian Constitution, schedules play a crucial role as they organize provisions in a sequential order, aligning with various legislations. To comprehend the content of the 12 schedules, refer to the table below for a comprehensive breakdown of provisions. This systematic arrangement aids in navigating and understanding the constitutional framework more efficiently.

12 Schedules in the Constitution of India

1stArticle 1, Article 4Names and Territorial Jurisdiction of States & UTs
2ndArticles: 59(3), 65(3), 75(6), 97, 125, 148(3), 158(3), 164(5), 186, 221Emoluments, allowances, and privileges of constitutional authorities
3rdArticles: 75(4), 99, 124(6), 148(2), 164(3), 188, 219Oath & affirmation of constitutional posts
4thArticle: 4(1), 80(2)Rajya Sabha seat allocation
5thArticle 244(1)Scheduled areas and scheduled tribes
6thArticle 244(2), 275(1)Tribal areas of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Mizoram
7thArticle 246Three legislative lists
8thArticle 344(1), 35122 official languages
9thArticle 31-B1st Amendment Act added the 9th Schedule to the Indian Constitution
10thArticle 102(2), 191(2)Disqualification of members of State Legislatures & Parliament
11thArticle 243-GPanchayats – 73rd Amendment Act
12thArticle 243-WMunicipalities – 74th Amendment Act

States and Union Territories (First Schedule): The first schedule outlines the states and union territories along with their respective territories.

Government Officials and Positions (Second Schedule): In the second schedule, you’ll find details about the President, Governors of States, Speakers, and Deputy Speakers of the House of the People. It also covers the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, and other officials in legislative bodies and the judiciary.

Oaths and Affirmations (Third Schedule): The third schedule contains the various forms of oaths or affirmations required for different positions.

Seat Allocation in Council of States (Fourth Schedule): Detailed in the fourth schedule are provisions regarding the allocation of seats in the Council of States.

Administration of Scheduled Areas and Tribes (Fifth Schedule): The fifth schedule deals with the administration and control of Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes.

Administration of Tribal Areas (Sixth Schedule): For the states of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Mizoram, the sixth schedule specifies provisions regarding the administration of Tribal Areas.

Distribution of Legislative Powers (Seventh Schedule): The seventh schedule divides legislative powers into the Union list, State list, and concurrent list.

Recognized Languages (Eighth Schedule): The eighth schedule provides a list of recognized languages.

Validation of Acts and Regulations (Ninth Schedule): Covered in the ninth schedule are provisions for the validation of certain Acts and Regulations.

Disqualification for Defection (Tenth Schedule): The tenth schedule outlines provisions regarding disqualification on the grounds of defection.

Powers of Panchayats (Eleventh Schedule): The eleventh schedule elaborates on the powers, authority, and responsibilities of Panchayats.

Powers of Municipalities (Twelfth Schedule): Lastly, the twelfth schedule details the powers, authority, and responsibilities of Municipalities.

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