CLAT 2024: Tips & Preparation, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Strategy

CLAT 2024: When preparing for the CLAT exam, candidates have access to a vast array of books in the market. However, not all of them offer the comprehensive content necessary for success. Therefore, candidates must make judicious choices and carefully select the most appropriate books that cover all the essential aspects required for the examination.

There are few aspects of the entrance exam, CLAT, that every aspirant should know beforehand to prepare effectively. Here are key elements of CLAT exam

CLAT Exam Pattern 

Before starting the preparation, a candidate must know what the exam looks like. This means, knowing the question paper pattern details including sections, type of questions, marking scheme, duration of examination, and other key elements. CLAT Consortium has not changed the exam pattern for CLAT exam in the last two years (last modification was implemented in 2020). Check below the exam pattern of CLAT 2024 (no changes announced yet): 

CLAT key elementsExam pattern details 
Exam modeCLAT is held in an offline mode i.e. Pen-and-paper based exam. 
Exam durationThe duration of the examination is two hours from 2 pm to 4 pm. 
Test languageThe question paper of CLAT exam is available in English language only.
Type of questionsThe question paper of CLAT carries Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) only. Basically, the MCQs are based on the passages (350-450 words). 
Section-wise weightage English Language – 28-32 questions and marks (20% of the question paper)Current Affairs including General Knowledge – 35-39 questions and marks (25% of the question paper)Legal Reasoning – 35-39 questions and marks (25% of the question paper)Logical Reasoning – 28-32 questions and marks (20% of the question paper)Quantitative Techniques – 13-17 question and marks (10% of the question paper)
Total questionsThe total number of questions for CLAT is 150, and it is divided into the five sections accordingly. 
Maximum marksThe total marks for CLAT exam is 150 marks. 
Marking scheme1 mark awarded for each correct answer.0.25 marks deducted for each incorrect answer.

CLAT Syllabus 

Another important element for CLAT preparation is subject-wise syllabus. It helps a candidate to prepare only a list of topics without wasting time and hovering over what to study. CLAT Syllabus mentions important topics to cover as under: 

CLAT subjects Syllabus 
English ComprehensionReading comprehension, Sentence completion and correction, Spelling errors, Proverbs and adverbs, Synonyms and antonyms, Idioms and phrases, Vocabulary and word meanings
Legal Reasoning Facts, situations or outlines of legal matters, public policy or moral philosophical enquiries, General awareness of contemporary legal and moral issues, Legal terms and meanings
Logical Reasoning Relationships, Analogies, Arguments and conclusions, Logical sequences
GK and Current Affairs National and international current affairs (from April 2021 to May 2022), Contemporary events of significance from India and the world, General knowledge about world leaders, industrialists, lawyers, Arts and culture of India and world, Historical events of continuing significance
Elementary Mathematics Ratios and proportions, Basic algebra, Mensuration, Statistics, Profit and loss, Mensuration, Time and work 

Candidates who are appearing for CLAT 2022 can check out important topics to study in the remaining days as a revision. 

Below are subject-wise recommended books for CLAT preparations by legal experts-

English –

  • Objective General English by N. Khurmi and George
  • English is Easy by Chetananand Singh
  • General English by SP Bakshi
  • Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
  • 30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary by Norman Lewis
  • Barron’s Pocket Guide to Vocabulary Objective
  • General English by RS Aggarwal
  • Verbal and Non verbal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal
  • High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren & Martin
  • The Pearson Guide to the CLAT by Pearson’s
  • CLAT Guide by Tata McGraw-Hill

General Knowledge and Current Affairs –

  • General Knowledge by Lucent Publication
  • Competition Success Review
  • Pratiyogita Darpan
  • Manorama Yearbook by Manorama
  • General Knowledge 2023, 2022, and 2021 by Arihant Publications
  • Current Affairs Yearly by Arihant Publications
  • General Knowledge by Tarun Goyal
  • Pearsons Concise GK Manual
  • India Year Book
  • Newspapers for current affairs- The Hindu, Telegraph, Times of India.

Legal Reasoning –

  • Legal Awareness and Legal Reasoning by Pearson
  • Legal Aptitude and Legal Reasoning by AP Bhardwaj
  • Objective Legal Aptitude by R.S Aggarwal
  • Important Judgement That Transformed India by Alex Andrews George
  • The Pearson Guide to the CLAT by Harsh Gagrani
  • LST’s Legal Reasoning Module

Logical Reasoning –

  • Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal
  • Logical Reasoning by Arun Sharma
  • Analytical Reasoning by M. K. Pandey
  • Analytical and Logical Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal
  • A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by RS Aggarwal
  • A New Approach to Verbal and Analytical Reasoning by Arihant
  • 501 challenging Logical Reasoning Practice book
  • Quantitative Aptitude ebook (ALL Parts Solved) by RS Aggarwal

Mathematics/Quantitative Aptitude –

  • Data interpretation by R.S Aggarwal
  • Elementary Mathematics with Numerical Ability by Prateek Jain
  • Magical Book on Quicker Maths by M Tyra
  • Quantitative Aptitude by R.S Aggarwal
  • Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Arihant Publications
  • 30 days wonder for Maths by S Chand
  • Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by Pearson’s

Best Books to Prepare for CLAT at the Last Minute

  • Study Package for CLAT & LLB Entrance Examinations (English) by AP Bhardwaj
  • LST Books and Material (Set of 20 Books)
  • CLAT Solved and Practice Papers (English) by AP Bhardwaj
  • Chapter-wise Objective Question Bank (With Solution) Law (English) Author by Arihant Expert
  • CLAT & AILET Chapter-wise Solved Papers
  • Universal’s CLAT Solved Papers

Books for PG CLAT 2024-

Several publications, in addition to LLB notes and bare acts, have shown to be helpful for CLAT LLM preparation, resulting to good grades, according to feedback from candidates over the past two years.

  • Singhal’s S. S. Hand Books for LLM Entrance Exam
  • PSA Pillai or Ratanlal & Dhirajlal for IPC
  • Universal Guide to LLM Entrance Exam
  • Avtar Singh or R.K. Bangia for Contract
  • Universal’s Book on Past year Papers
  • K. Jain (Dukki) Part – I & II for Constitution
  • AK Jain MCQs
  • K. Jain or Salmond for Jurisprudence
  • Public International Law by Dr. Ashok K. Jain
  • Family and Property Law by Poonam Pradhan
  • Company Law by Avtar Singh
  • The Constitution of India by P.M. Bakshi

Candidates preparing for CLAT 2024 should refer to subject appropriate books only. There are plenty of books that provide preparation tips for CLAT and similar law entrance exams. However, one needs to refer to only those books that are based on the CLAT exam pattern and syllabus. Here are some recommended books for CLAT preparation:

CLAT books for English – Objective General English 2022 by SP Bakshi or RS Aggarwal

CLAT books for GK and Current Affairs – General Knowledge 2022, 2021, and 2020, as well as Current Affairs yearly by Arihant Publications 

CLAT books for Elementary Mathematics – Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Arihant publications 

CLAT books for Legal Reasoning – A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by RS Aggarwal 

CLAT books for Logical Reasoning – Legal Awareness and Legal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal

Tips to prepare for CLAT 2024: 4 months strategy

For CLAT 2024, candidates should make the most out of the next four months by strategizing their preparation. They need to plan and prepare notes for each subject. Some of the tips to prepare for CLAT 2024 are: 

Subject-wise Prep Plan – The best approach for CLAT 2024 preparation is a subject-wise strategy. In the next four months, candidates should devote sufficient time to each subject. This strategy will be helpful in covering the entire syllabus of CLAT including important topics. 

Scrutinizing previous years papers – To understand how to attempt the examination, candidates must analyze at least past three-years CLAT question paper (without answer key). This is a way to get familiar with the exam pattern including type of questions asked etc. 

Time-management – There is no sectional time limit for CLAT exam, but candidates should themselves set a time limit for each subject. It is an effective approach because each section is based on passages, and if candidates learn the tricks to comprehend those passages quickly then it will save their time. Subjects like Legal Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, and English consume more time, therefore, candidates need to save their time from Elementary Mathematics and GK and Current Affairs. However, saving time depends on the skills of a candidate on the basis of their strong subject skills.

Tips to prepare for CLAT 2024: 4 weeks strategy

Candidates can spend the time in revising the important concepts, and practicing mock tests until the exam day. Besides, candidates should prepare only those topics that they are confident about. Starting a new topic during this time must be avoided. Candidates need to strategise and then revise for the exam. Some of the tips to be followed as part of CLAT last minute tips are: 

List of topics to be revised- From each subject, list out the topics that candidates are well aware of. Then, start revising them on a regular basis in the remaining days. 

Mock test practice – In the remaining days, candidates should increase the mock test practice instead of clarifying doubts. Now is the time to focus on preparing for the real-time exam i.e. two hours duration straight. Practice the same while taking the mock tests.

GK and Current Affairs prep – The most dynamic section of CLAT exam is GK and Current Affairs, therefore, candidates should ensure covering the two years topics. In the remaining days, prepare only with the help of GK and Current Affairs books. Do not read newspapers or browse the internet for current events. 

Learn tricks for Legal Awareness – Legal terms and awareness is something all candidates get nervous about, but there is no need to sweat. The section can be attempted using tricks such as using mind maps, mnemonic or flash cards. Also, by analyzing the past years CLAT question papers (2023, 2022, and 2021), list out the legal terms and prepare them. 

Practising Mock Tests and Revision Plan 

CLAT preparation is completed with the revision of entire syllabus for each section and mock test practice. Know here how CLAT 2023 toppers revised for their exam:

CLAT 2023 Topper Revision and Mock Practice Strategy 
CLAT Topper AIR 1He revised every weekend for the topics that he prepared during the week. He did not take any break from practising questions all through his preparation plan to avoid losing touch of concepts. 
CLAT Topper AIR 2First, clarified all subjects and focused on weakness and, then practised previous years question papers. Practised at least 5 questions every day for each subject from day 1 to learn tips and tricks of solving questions quickly. In the revision time, he advised to practised at least 50 mock tests for overall preparation.  
CLAT Topper AIR 5She developed her own study plan wherein she practised her strong and weak subjects equally. To improve the speed of solving questions, she practised mock tests in the last four months rigorously. To ensure time management, she set the timer while taking mock tests. 
CLAT Topper AIR 8He shared that in order to achieve the desired speed of solving 200 questions within 120 minutes, practice rigorously overall 120 mock tests. Also, he ensured revision on a daily so that his subject strengths become best.

The preparation tips shared above by CLAT toppers will be helpful to strategise and, focus on key improvement areas. All the toppers advised that in order to prepare better for CLAT 2024 one should: 

  1. Schedule their preparation properly
  2. Solve mock tests papers based on the subjects on a regular basis   
  3. Revise thoroughly on a daily basis 
  4. Be prepared and don’t lose confidence for your performance for the upcoming examination.

Read Also: CLAT Syllabus 2024 – Subjects Wise Syllabus, Important Topics

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